George Aldis

George Aldis, born 1935, married Joan Marion Tarbox (known as Marion) in 1959; they have two children, Simon Voss Aldis, born 1969, and Maddy Jane Aldis (birth registration Naomi Jane), born 1971.
Now retired, George Aldis spent his working life as a teacher and examiner of English and, latterly, in partnership with Marion, as a business man.
Writing poetry has been a part of his life since his schooldays, and as a young man he published in 'Encounter' and 'Botteghe Oscure'. While he continues to produce the occasional poem, his principal writing activity in retirement is a series of monographs on family history. The first three have been produced privately, and a further three are in preparation. He has an extensive database of the Aldis name and its variants, including Aldous, mainly from East Anglia and extending back to the 15th century.
George Aldis is the only child of Mabel Victoria Day (1897-1943) whose parents were Charles John Day and Emily Rebecca Morris. In addition to Mabel, Charles and Emily had three other daughters (Daisy, born 1890; Jessie Edith, born 1900; and Millicent Rhoda, born 1905) and three sons (Charles William, born 1891; Frederick John, born 1893; and William Victor, born 1895). It is known that Charles William married Ruby Simpson at Southwark in 1915, that William Victor married at Ilford in 1920 and Millicent Rhoda at West Ham in 1934. It is also known that Frederick John and Jessie Edith died young.
Descendants of this Day family are invited to contact George Aldis at to share information.
As a family historian, he has extensive and detailed information about the ancestors of Charles John Day and Emily Rebecca Morris.